One Year, One Woman

Friday 2 September - Saturday 24 September 2016

Gelatin Silver Print

Copyright (c) Mark Pearson All Rights Reserved

A combination of adventures, desires, chance encounters and happenstance led to me being with
Tokyo Rumando in the place at the same time, in four different cities during a period of about one year.

I have grown into the habit of taking photographs whenever and wherever I am.
I had photographed Tokyo Rumando as part of this stream of images for several years in Tokyo.

An encounter in Hong Kong between Tokyo Rumando and Chris Shaw was the spark which turned
casual snapshots into a more coherent work, which had a life of its own and needed to be
concluded, in the process bridging Tokyo and Hong Kong, Paris and London, Asia and Europe.

It was not planned and it has no purpose that I can divine.
It may have a meaning. It is part of my life with one woman during one year.

Mark Pearson
30 July 2016


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